Thursday, 20 October 2011

A byte to eat

Possibly the best idea I've seen for a blog in a while is Gourmet Gaming, where gastronome Daniella Zelli rustles up real-world recreations of food that you encounter in videogames.

Frankly, it's an aspect of the medium which deserves more attention. In those halcyon days when games were more innocent, sprite animated characters would regain health simply by walking into random piping hot delicacies that were just lying around.  But why did no-one ever ask what boxes of fresh pizza were doing on the deck of a pirate ship in Turtles in Time? Why in Vagrant Story did drinking entire bottles of wine increase your intelligence, of all things?  Wouldn't that just get you batshit drunk in the middle of a ghoul-infested hellhole? And really, what kind of mushroom, magical or otherwise, doubles you in size and allows you to smash bricks with your head?

Nowadays games' relationship with food seems a little more fettered by realism (though I could never get behind eating a pep bar that you found on a corpse in Bioshock;  maybe they just keep for ages). Nevertheless, it's good to see Ms Zelli turning her attentions to the more challenging dishes, such as her excellent rendering of 'the meat' from Golden Axe.

It's an absolute mystery to me what that was ever supposed to be.